Headaches, neck pain, dizziness, tingling in the hands are annoying symptoms that can be caused by dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint which Gnathology deals with.
While orthopedics deals with the care of the bones and skeletal joints of various body districts, Gnathology deals with the bones of the masticatory system (mandible, temporal bone, maxilla, hyoid bone, etc.) and the temporomandibular joint .
Gnathology deals with dental occlusion by referring to Posturology: the branch that studies the relationships between joints and muscles in standing and walking.
A malocclusion can negatively influence posture (descending pathology), just as an incorrect posture can maintain a malocclusion (ascending pathology).
The activity of the postural muscles is influenced by other aspects (nutrition, psyche, structure). Today, through a reliable and non-invasive technique such as Holistic Medical Kinesiology, it is possible to investigate the primary cause of postural problems, consequently determining an effective therapy.