Dental services


Diagnosis and intervention plan

Doctors trained to make a correct diagnosis.
una donna sorride mentre un dentista mostra un'immagine dei denti su un tablet
The longevity of dental work and the consequent well-being of the patient are linked to a correct diagnosis and a correct treatment plan.

The diagnosis is the first and most important act. It allows us to immediately set up a treatment plan capable of satisfying the patient's expectations. In complex cases, a complex treatment program involving multiple professionals at the same time is often necessary.

We deeply believe in the need to delve into an exhaustive, multidisciplinary diagnosis, to the point of having created a diagnostic team.



and oral hygiene

Cleaning and removal of plaque and tartar
In dentistry the motto appropriately occurs that: "prevention is better than cure!"
Removing plaque and tartar is the best way to avoid tooth and gum diseases.

Daily oral hygiene is fundamental, but in some cases the bacteria hide in recesses that cannot be reached with the usual home cleaning. The intervention of a Dental Hygienist doctor is therefore necessary, who with suitable instruments, manual or electronic, can reach the deepest areas and resolve periodontitis with non-surgical therapy.

The Dental Hygienist deals with:

• Educate and instruct on correct home hygiene procedures. In particular on the correct use of toothbrushes, dental floss, interdental brushes and mouthwashes. There is an effective tooth brushing technique which the Dental Hygienist will be responsible for instructing the patient with direct demonstration in the chair.
• Remove the causative factors of periodontitis, such as: tartar, bacterial plaque, infected root cement through root planing.
• Maintenance of achieved objectives.
un primo piano di uno spazzolino da denti con dentifricio

The smile is our business card. It's the first thing others see about us and will subconsciously judge. This is why a bright and symmetrical smile is the secret to moving with ease in social life.
Teeth whitening is a highly sought-after procedure. In the Dental Clinic we respond to growing aesthetic needs with cutting-edge technologies and instrumentation managed by highly qualified personnel.


Conservative: resolution of cavities

Aesthetic fillings
un primo piano di un dente con un filling
Tooth decay still represents one of the most frequent human diseases today.
The best way to prevent tooth decay is to undergo regular periodic check-ups. Intervening when the injury is minimal is essential to prevent greater damage.

In Conservative treatment, the treatment of a decayed or fractured tooth is carried out using:
• reconstructions in composite material which are particularly aesthetic and natural;
• reconstruction with inlays, very aesthetic, resistant and long-lasting.
• in the Dental Clinic we do not use mercury and silver amalgam as a reconstruction material.





Treatment of dental pulp pathologies
When the cavity exceeds the level of the enamel and dentine, it reaches the pulp of the tooth and creates inflammation, which is sometimes very painful.
Endodontics, root canal treatment, root canal treatment are synonyms that mean the same therapy: emptying, cleansing, disinfecting, shaping the inside of the tooth and sealing it.
Root canal treatment or root canal treatment is necessary in cases of:
•acute pulpitis (very painful);
• chronic pulpitis (granuloma or cyst);
•prosthetic needs;
A chewing devitalized tooth (molars or premolars) must always be protected with a prosthetic reconstruction (inlay or crown).
Correct endodontics guarantees the durability of prosthetic works that rely on the same dental elements.

un dentista tiene in mano un dente con l' interno del dente mostrato .



Replacement of missing teeth
The Dental Clinic has been dealing with implantology for over 20 years. Today it is possible to insert fixed teeth even where they have been missing for some time. Where the bone base is insufficient, bone can be grafted and the most favorable conditions for implant insertion can be recreated, to restore correct chewing.
This procedure allows you to preserve the natural teeth adjacent to the missing ones, preventing their movement. Furthermore, the insertion of fixed teeth prevents bone resorption.

Immediate loading implantology is a safe and now routine procedure. The guarantee of success is due to the careful choice of materials tested in the best international laboratories and validated by clinical trials conducted in the most advanced research centers in the world.
The problem of "rejection" is now overcome with the use of biocompatible materials.



teeth alignment
Orthodontics deals with the correction of skeletal or dental malocclusions.
Misaligned teeth, in the presence of correctly developed maxillae (maxilla and mandible), are simply repositioned with orthodontic appliances, while occlusion defects of skeletal origin, within the age of development, can be treated with functional orthopedic orthodontic appliances. As adults, skeletal malocclusions can be corrected with orthodontic surgery.

It intercepts and corrects skeletal and dental malocclusions before dentition is complete (before the age of 12).

Corrects dental malocclusions when the dentition is permanent. Fixed vestibular appliances (metal or ceramic) or fixed lingual appliances can be used. After the fixed appliance, a fixed or mobile retainer is almost always used, to stabilize the result and avoid unwanted tooth movements.

You can use removable transparent aligners, with the advantage of being able to eat and brush your teeth without braces, or fixed braces positioned on the internal face of the teeth which are absolutely invisible.

It deals with correcting the functions related to the mouth, through specific removable devices: Planas and Multifunctional Aligners from Dentosofia.

una ragazza con gli occhiali tiene in mano un modello di denti e un dispositivo invisibile
The loss of dental elements almost always causes displacements of the neighboring or antagonist teeth. In this case, Orthodontics intervenes to realign the residual teeth before the application of fixed prostheses on natural teeth or on implants.

It de-compensates the dental arches from the natural occlusal compensations that the malocclusion itself establishes, before planning orthodontic surgery. On other occasions it is used to extrude teeth that have remained embedded in the bone. After surgery, refine the position of the dental elements.



Rehabilitation of the masticatory function
una donna tiene la testa con la mano e c'è un disegno di un teschio .
Headaches, neck pain, dizziness, tingling in the hands are annoying symptoms that can be caused by dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint which Gnathology deals with.

While orthopedics deals with the care of the bones and skeletal joints of various body districts, Gnathology deals with the bones of the masticatory system (mandible, temporal bone, maxilla, hyoid bone, etc.) and the temporomandibular joint .
Gnathology deals with dental occlusion by referring to Posturology: the branch that studies the relationships between joints and muscles in standing and walking.
A malocclusion can negatively influence posture (descending pathology), just as an incorrect posture can maintain a malocclusion (ascending pathology).
The activity of the postural muscles is influenced by other aspects (nutrition, psyche, structure). Today, through a reliable and non-invasive technique such as Holistic Medical Kinesiology, it is possible to investigate the primary cause of postural problems, consequently determining an effective therapy.



Restoration of missing teeth
Missing teeth can be restored using natural teeth or artificial implants as abutments.
The fixed prosthesis replaces dental elements in a stable and definitive manner.
The removable prosthesis makes removable prosthetic devices.
Mixed prostheses can be created with dental anchors and saddles that can be removed to allow cleaning and hygiene.
All prosthetic products are made by the best certified Italian dental laboratories, which guarantee maximum reliability and quality of the materials used.
un computer generated image of a denture with implants



Repair of tooth supporting tissues
un primo piano di un dente di una donna
Exposed roots and dentin sensitivity are frequent and unsightly discomforts. Among the many causes of gum disease we recognize: incorrect use of the toothbrush, abrasive toothpastes, traumatic dental occlusion, dental erosions and above all inflammation caused by bacterial plaque.

To resolve these situations it is necessary to act on the generating cause and, as corrective therapy, cover the sensitive areas with gingival grafts taken from the palate from the patient's own donor sites.

Acting promptly and following the planning of a maintenance plan is a guarantee of a favorable prognosis for our teeth.



Children's dental care
It deals with the oral health of children and adolescents. His first goal is to work on eliminating dental anxiety. In fact, accustoming a patient from an early age to undergoing regular check-ups and any treatments without fear predisposes him to a non-anxious attitude towards the dentist, favoring an attitude motivated towards prevention.

Each child is unique and requires a personalized approach. There are many ways to put the little patient at ease. The operator's approach is fundamental, as he must be patient and calm in his work. In the Dental Clinic, the playful and entertaining aspect entrusted to dedicated and qualified staff proves to be invaluable. Lastly, conscious sedation with nitrous oxide often resolves the most difficult cases.

Anxieties, fears and stress are eliminated to leave room for a pleasant and fun experience.

The Pedodontic Team is available to parents to inform them about correct nutrition and to correct any bad habits, such as sucking on a pacifier, finger or bottle.

During the scheduled periodic visits, the children's dentist will check whether the children's dento-skeletal growth is progressing physiologically or whether there is a need for an orthodontic consultation.

un ragazzo sta ricevendo un trattamento dentale da un dentista .


Conscious sedation

Elimination of anxiety during dental treatments
un monitor medico è seduto su un tavolo .
One of the strengths of Clinica Dentale is the daily success in making patients overcome their fear of the dentist, also thanks to conscious sedation. Through the use of this procedure it is possible to perform several services in a single session.

The choice to administer anxiolytics via inhalation (such as nitrous oxide) or intravenously (where further reinforcement is needed) is indicated by the patient's profile emerging from the anamnesis collected previously. During the treatment the patient remains alert, conscious and cooperative, but without any anxiety or fear.
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