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A complex and functional organization, such as Dental Clinic, allows for economies of scale to be implemented, therefore the cost of services is mostly lower than that charged by a single professional practice.
The surgical procedure to insert an implant can last a few minutes. Obviously, the time needed to prepare the patient must be considered.
The accepted payment methods are multiple, simple and individualized to the customer's needs. Clinica Dentale has agreements with the main financial institutions that provide consumer credit. The entire preliminary investigation is prepared by our staff and does not cause any inconvenience for the customer.
Abroad there are dental centers of excellence, but also many centers that do not reach the quality standards of dental clinic structures. Italian legislation is quite demanding regarding hygiene measures in dental practices. Furthermore, the Italian customer is particularly demanding in terms of aesthetics. In this regard, the advantage of Clinica Dentale is that it can count on the high professionalism of its dentists, as well as on the services of an affiliated cutting-edge digital laboratory both for the technologies used and for the fine, all-Italian aesthetic taste.
Dental Clinic guarantees its restorative and prosthetic work. Our mission is to have completely satisfied customers who remain loyal to our facilities.
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Yes! At the Dental Clinic you can carry out dental treatments in total relaxation thanks to sedation with nitrous oxide or anxiolytic sedation or hypnotic drugs with the assistance of an anesthetist.
In childhood it is normal for children to clench their teeth while sleeping. It becomes pathological if excessive and destroys the teeth. Nocturnal bruxism recognizes dental and psychological causes, therefore it must be treated on both sides.
Dental sealants are fluid resins that are applied to the chewing surface of children's permanent molars, to prevent the formation of tooth decay in the grooves, which are the deepest and most difficult areas to clean, where food residues and bacteria can accumulate.
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases and represents a global health problem, in particular type 2 diabetes, which includes 90% of diabetic patients. The number of patients with diabetes is increasing alarmingly with age, obesity and decreased physical activity. Diabetes has become the major cause of blindness, chronic renal failure, lower limb amputations and cardiovascular disease.
Smoking is one of the primary causes of periodontal disease and therefore it is also the case for peri-implantitis which we know is the equivalent pathology transferred from a natural tooth surface to the implant surface.
There is no real limit to repeating the treatment. The patient can repeat it until the desired result is achieved. Obviously the famous "sink white" is impossible to obtain, also because the natural color of the teeth is not milky white. Natural whitening is certainly preferable for its aesthetic results.
Each case is different. On the merits I can say that today we have bone tissue regeneration techniques available which in many cases allow us to get fixed teeth back with implant prosthesis.
If the situation allows it, the inlay is more conservative than the crown. The choice, however, depends on the extent of carious destruction.
Teeth whitening is a treatment used to improve the aesthetics of the smile by making the teeth whiter and brighter. The treatment can be carried out either here in the studio or at home.
Yes, in fact this will allow the correct eruption of the permanent teeth which, being of a larger diameter than a deciduous tooth, will find the right space to emerge inside the arch, thus avoiding problems of dental crowding once the exchange is completed.
It is better to replace missing teeth with prosthetic teeth, implants, bridges, etc. because, otherwise, the other nearby teeth would lean towards the empty spaces and the antagonist teeth would extrude, thus creating problems of malocclusion and periodontal problems, as well as dysfunctions of the jaw joint (TMJ).
Dental hygiene at home is essential. Cleaning your teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss is important to fight plaque, tartar and gingivitis. This is to prevent the worsening of certain situations that can generate tooth decay, periodontitis and other more complex pathologies. The toothbrush should be replaced at least once every three months.
The anti-snoring protrusor is a very effective tool to avoid snoring and prevent or treat the so-called OSAS (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome). I would recommend doing polysomnography or sleep monitoring before prescribing the protrusor. In any case it is not an unpleasant device. Patients who wear it appreciate its benefits to the point that they can no longer do without it.
Optimal maintenance of dental prostheses requires scrupulous hygiene care.
In most cases, teeth can be devitalized except in cases where: the root canals are not accessible, the tooth has a severe fracture, does not have adequate bone support or cannot be reconstructed.
Consider that diet, cigarette smoking, drinks such as wine and coffee tend to fade and yellow the white of the teeth. Thus, teeth cleaning at the dentist is necessary to counteract this phenomenon. Furthermore, there are effective products against yellowing or to whiten your teeth.
Not necessarily. They are replaced if they are no longer suitable or due to the patient's aesthetic needs.
Insertion of an implant requires sufficient width and height of the recipient bone and, if the implant were to be inserted between two adjacent teeth, there needs to be a minimum space of 7 mm between the teeth.
No. There are no age limits. It depends on the functionality, quantity and state of health of the alveolar bone present in the mouth.
The dental sealant is a fluid resin which is applied, after appropriate cleansing, in the grooves of the permanent molars, to protect the areas that are most difficult to clean, where food residues and germs can nest, with the formation of bacterial plaque and tooth decay.
The whitening treatment can sometimes increase dentin sensitivity and this should be tested in the first session.
The extraction of wisdom teeth is not the rule. They are extracted with good reason when they cause negative symptoms.
From when it's in the belly... the most effective prevention begins during pregnancy! From one year of age onwards, any time is a good time to start examining children's teeth. In fact, the Ministry of Health recommends the first visit between 18 and 24 months.
No. The retention of a complete denture depends on many factors (adhesion, cohesion, negative pressure, occlusion, quality and quantity of saliva, shape of the ridges, degree of reabsorption) which can vary over time. Most prosthetics that work are non-retentive.
There are different types of toothpaste on the market, ordinary ones and medicated ones.
It has now been proven that professional oral hygiene sessions during pregnancy are very important not only to preserve the health of the expectant mother's teeth, but also to prevent potential problems in the unborn child's teeth.
Depending on the clinical situation, you can opt for an inlay, which, using adhesive cementation, keeps the part of the tooth that is still healthy intact, or a crown/capsule, when the residual tooth substance is too compromised and therefore a total covering is required.
Baby teeth generally appear between 3 and 6 months of life. Their growth is often accompanied by: irritability in the child, swollen and inflamed gums, abundant salivation and occasionally diarrhea due to excess ingested saliva. The remedies that can give relief to the child during dental eruption are: gum massages with or without ointments, gummy toys with coolant (for example the refrigerated pacifier is a valid alternative) and mild anti-inflammatories, when the pain is significant.
During the visit, the dentist can highlight the early onset of oral pathologies ranging from common tooth decay to periodontal pathology (pathology of the tissue surrounding the tooth). All pathologies of the soft tissues of the mouth and glands, which include simple, precancerous or full-blown lesions, can also be diagnosed early.
Modern technologies involve the use of autologous and heterologous grafts and synthetic materials to allow guided bone regeneration (GBR). Thanks to these grafts it is then possible to undertake implant-prosthetic therapy.
Correct oral hygiene and correct nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of the onset of carious pathology. Periodic check-ups at the dentist, together with the recommended professional hygiene sessions, further keep orodental health under control.
Yes, it is possible to carry out orthodontic treatment even in an adult patient. Teeth move at any age and it is always useful to start with preliminary radiographic investigations and a thorough clinical examination. As far as aesthetics is concerned, today's braces are very comfortable and, with the advent of new technologies, even invisible.
Since the appliance is temporarily glued to the teeth, particular attention and care is required in its management. It is therefore necessary to avoid hard or too crunchy foods, sticky foods (including chewing gum) which cause the appliances to detach, and snacks between meals (unless followed by scrupulous hygiene). Avoid chewing pens, pencils and objects in general. It is advisable to reduce sweet foods and drinks, as they facilitate the proliferation of very acidic bacterial plaque, which can create cavities and promote gum disease.
The important thing is to cut the dental floss for about 30-40 centimeters. Wrap the thread not between the index fingers, but the middle finger of the hands, so that when you reach the hindquarters area it is easier, leaving a space to form a bow; work with the two index fingers in a zigzag movement, embracing the tooth first on one side and then on the other, trying not to go directly to the gum.
Teeth whitening is a treatment used to improve the aesthetics of the smile by making the teeth whiter and brighter. The treatment can be carried out either here in the studio or at home.
Absolutely not! On the other hand, it is true that the tools used in hygiene procedures, if used incorrectly, can cause damage. For example, ultrasound, if used incorrectly, can damage the hydroxyapatite crystals in the enamel. Even currettes, which are manual instruments used by the hygienist to remove tartar deposits, are very sharp instruments that require experience and caution in their use.
It is a very comfortable orthodontic treatment, which produces excellent aesthetic results. Obviously according to a precise dental medical indication, after having conducted a correct dentoskeletal diagnosis.
Sealing the grooves is a quick, painless and long-lasting practice, which aims to prevent the formation of tooth decay in the grooves of recently erupted permanent molars.
Orthopedic therapy is indicated in the developmental phase, and in this case we speak of interceptive therapy, but it can also be offered to adults with the use of particular functional devices.
Prolonged use of a pacifier interferes with the normal development of oral structures, hindering the natural conformation of the mouth and the evolution of swallowing with possible repercussions on verbal phonatory articulation.
The stains on the teeth, so-called "white spots", are points of minor calcification. Other dark spots, however, can be caused by tooth decay, food pigmentation or by particular bacteria called chromogens typical of the pediatric age.
Because cavities in milk teeth have the same and indeed more rapid evolution than cavities in permanent teeth and therefore cause the child pain, inflammation, and in the most serious cases even abscesses exactly like in adults.
Each case is different, I can say that there are bone tissue regeneration techniques, which in the majority of cases allow you to get fixed teeth back with implant prosthesis.
Absolutely not! Speaking of fixed braces, the point where the orthodontic bracket, the plate, is glued is the point most protected from cariogenic microbes. Fixed braces certainly retain more bacterial plaque around the orthodontic brackets and therefore require greater attention to hygiene.
They do not move if the retention phase has been carried out correctly and if the functions of the soft tissues that rest on the teeth have been checked. For example, atypical swallowing must be treated separately with speech therapy.
Yes! Obviously we try to avoid those interventions that can be postponed until after giving birth. Sometimes, dental treatment must be performed out of necessity, because some periodontal diseases have become symptomatic. In this case, particular care must be taken when using anesthetics and drugs.
Language acquisition is highly variable. Respect the stages that can occur at different times. In any case, a speech therapy evaluation is recommended in order to provide strategies to the parent to stimulate the child's communication and language.
The issue is not simple but there is certainly a genetic predisposition which, together with other factors (nutrition, oral hygiene...) contributes to increasing the risk of carious lesions.
Certainly, especially in the evening before going to sleep, but with the necessary precautions: from 3 years and up, using the appropriate pediatric heads and with careful supervision by parents, who will always carry out the final hygiene check.
Milk is an excellent infant food, however it contains cariogenic sugars which can cause destructive cavities. Without giving up milk, it is sufficient to clean your teeth after a meal to prevent cavities. For cavities that have already formed it is definitely advisable to treat them.
The risk of recurrence (shifting of the teeth after orthodontic treatment) in the permanent dentition does not depend on age but on the failure to obtain optimal masticatory function, on an incorrect pre-treatment diagnosis (avoid hyper-expansion) or on an inaccurate phase of containment post active treatment. Other factors that increase the risk of recurrence may include:
Nutrition plays a fundamental role in maintaining a general state of health of the body, therefore also of the mouth. There are foods that are more dangerous for the health of teeth and gums, such as refined sugars and foods that acidify the oral environment. In any case, correct oral hygiene neutralizes the negative effects of a dangerous diet in most cases. It is also very important to consider the length of time harmful foods remain in the mouth. For example, it is advisable to drink orange or lemon juice through a straw, to avoid excessive retention of the acidic juice in the mouth.
Regarding home hygiene, it sometimes happens that the patient has difficulty carrying out correct brushing.
The 'Bite' is a mostly therapeutic tool. It is used in the therapy of bruxism, or as an orthodontic appliance, or even as a therapeutic tool for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The 'Mouthguard' is a mere teeth protection tool that is used in contact sports or as protection in conjunction with the use of a fixed orthodontic appliance. The 'Bite' is made, again by the Dentist, tailor-made for the patient, while the 'Mouthguard', depending on individual needs, can be made by the Dentist, as well as can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized shops.
Osteoporosis, as shown by studies, is not a contraindication to the placement of dental implants. The problem of this disease, as far as implantology is concerned, is that the implants inserted into osteoporotic bone do not have good stability, so sometimes in this type of patient it is difficult to proceed with an immediate loading protocol. In these situations, it is often necessary to follow the traditional protocol, i.e. wait 3-6 months before loading the implants themselves. Once the implants are osseointegrated, they have a survival rate exactly the same as that of implants placed in non-osteoporotic bone.
It is not possible to precisely predict the duration of an orthodontic treatment, as there are many variables involved. First of all, the complexity of the case limits the duration of treatment. Other variables are: the need or otherwise for interceptive treatment before orthodontic treatment; the need or otherwise for "orthodontic extractions"; the need or otherwise to complete the case with both post- and pre-orthodontic orthodontic surgery. The duration is also determined by the type of device used and by the needs and "desires" of the patient.
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